
Trustworthy Information Flows, Cybersecurity and Democracy

This umbrella topic pertains to the role trustworthy information plays in modern democracies. It gathers articles on challenges that disinformation, filter bubbles and censorship pose to the information flows. It discusses inter alia legal and technological attempts to fight the spread of fake news and covers systemic solutions proposing breaking tech giants in order to democratize the online sphere.


Top domains identified in the articles

Keywords used for articles' retrieval

The most frequently occurring words in the articles


Key characteristics

Main clusters

'Digital tech and democracy', 'USA', 'China', 'India', 'Gaming', 'Blockchain', 'Antitrust', 'Russia', 'Students', 'Copyrights', 'Misinformation', 'Hate speech', 'Data governance', 'Facebook', 'Filter bubbles'

Number of articles


Main domains

The Guardian, NYTimes, Spiked-online